Why You Really Need to Review Your Yahoo! Mail "Spam" Folder
Yahoo mail helps it users to distinguish between the required useful mail and spam mail by automatically sending the junk mails to spam folder. But is it completely right? I don’t think so and when you will notice what all you are missing due to automatic transaction of your mails in junk folder even you will think the same. Spam filtering which are carried out by the Yahoo mail automatically is not precisely or completely right. But relax Yahoo mail gives you chance of recovering your mails from the spam folder to your main folder. This post will help you and tell you why it is important to review your Yahoo mail Spam folder once in an every while. In case of any problem with your Yahoo mail account you could contact Yahoo Customer Support Number.
The Yahoo mail ability to automatically filter spam mails to spam folder might look an easy option for you but this is not the actual case. The filtered spam is either carried to the spam folder in the Yahoo mail or to the Bulk mail folder. The working of Yahoo mail spam filtering is very good and indeed it keeps your inbox free of spamming. But alas like many things in life Yahoo filters are also not completely perfect.
With the automatically filtering of spam mail you never know when the desired or important mail of yours has shifted to the bulk or spam mail folder. So reviewing your Yahoo mail Spam folder once in a while is a great idea.
Things Needed to Be Done in Reviewing the Spam Folder:
There are few things which should be done with your Yahoo mail spam folder regularly and those are as follows:
You should always review your Yahoo mail spam folder regularly to check whether any important mail is not hidden there.
You should be aware of the fact that the spam folder in Yahoo mail gets deleted after 30 days so prevent before the period of 30 days do check your spam folder once.
Recover your important mails from the spam folder in Yahoo mail.
For getting the guidelines of recovering your important mail from Yahoo mail Spam or bulk mail folder contact Yahoo Help Center Number. Blog Resource Link:- http://customerhelplinesupportblog.weebly.com/blog/why-you-really-need-to-review-your-yahoo-mail-spam-folder